Sejong Korean Conversation 1-4 (세종한국어 회화 1-4) and Sejong Korean 4-7 (세종한국어 4-7) vocabulary flashcards

I have prepared sets of vocabulary flashcards based on the glossaries of Sejong Korean Conversation 1-4 (세종한국어 회화 1-4) textbooks as well as flashcards for Sejong Korean 4-7 (세종한국어 4-7). To use them download the anki app (the desktop versions for Windows, or Mac OS, and for Android devices are all free, but the app for iOS costs $25). Then download any of the decks mentioned. These vocabulary flashcards typically first present the Hangul of the item with an audio recording, which looks like this on the mobile (tap the black arrow to hear the audio repeated): Tap "show answer" at the bottom, and the other side shows up: The idea behind these cards is "spaced repetition", so depending on how well you remember the item, you tap on one of those colored boxes to determine how soon it will be shown to you again. The card later shows up with the English side first. The default is ten new cards a day, but after several days you'll probably find you'...